Fullerton Mathematical Circle Discusses Problems from Gazeta matematic?
    The Fullerton Mathematical Circle consists of a group of students who are in grades 7,8, and 9 that come together to enhance their problems solving skills in mathematics. Saturday, September 24, 2011, was the first meeting of the Fullerton Mathematical Circle and about 40 students attended the sessions. Among the problems covered in the talks delivered by Dr. Mihaela Vâjiac (from Chapman University) and Dr. Bogdan Suceava (from Cal State Fullerton), were problems from Gazeta matematică and American Mathematical Competitions. It was the first time most of the students ever heard of Gazeta matematică and have heard the suggestion to submit solutions to these problems. Saturday, October 8 was the second of the meetings of the Fullerton Mathematical Circle. At this gathering there were more than 60 students that gathered, on their own time and will, to spend some quality time exploring mathematics.  This second session of the Fullerton Mathematical Circle hosted talks presented by Dr. Zair Ibragimov and Dr. Bogdan Suceava, both from California State University, Fullerton. During the Mathematical Circle, the faculty members give the students various mathematical problems to solve. The problems chosen for the students to solve are challenging problems that explore both Algebra and Geometry.  The problems in Algebra and Geometry explore both concepts that have been learned in school as well as others that may not have been the primary focus in the schools.  Throughout the two hour gathering students are given time to think through problems and come up with solutions.  Multiple students then share not only their solution, but the technique they used to solve the problem as well as their reasoning for choosing to use the technique they did.  The Mathematical Circle’s main focus is for students to be aware of the reasoning and the techniques used to solve problems that are given to them in any mathematical setting. 

    The next two sessions of the Fullerton Mathematical Circle will take place on October 22 and November 5, 2011. The sessions of the Circle will continue to be pursued in the Spring of 2012.

Carol Kempiak
graduate student, California State University at Fullerton

     Copiii din SUA prezintă în conferinţe probleme lucrate din Gazeta Matematică (Cercul de matematică de la Universitatea Fullerton, California):

Solutions to Number Theory Problems, November 1, 2014

Fullerton Math Circle Press Release (ro, en)

Poster Meritoriu la Conferința de Primăvară a secțiunii California de Sud - Nevada

Rebecca Etnyre and Christina Tran, Fullerton, General Contributed Paper Session, MathFest 2013

Rebecca Etnyre and Christina Tran, Fullerton, Student Paper Session, MathFest 2013

Christina Tran and Kyle Kishimoto, Fullerton, MAA Fall Conference, October 12, 2013

Galerie foto 



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